Constituent Leadership Program
Putting DC residents at the table to advocate, organize and win.

FBC’s Constituent Leadership Program was created to center the voices of DC residents who are impacted by racial inequity, poverty and systematic racism.  

This 10-month program draws from participants from FBC Member organizations who are currently engaging their constituents. The multi-issue group of constituents

CLP Fellows gain
Extensive understanding of the DC budget and budget process
Real world and digital advocacy tools
Tactics and strategy for organizing
Foundational policy crafting experience
Plentiful networking
The opportunity to work as a decision-making body within FBC
CLP Fellows are expected to
Lift up their stories through advocacy
Be open to growth about societal structures
Lean into social media to organize others
Research issues within their communities to bring solutions to the table
Recognize systematic inequalities to secure funding for DC residents
Admission is on a rolling basis

Plan to attend our People's Budget Forum September 14th from 1-4pm