Joining with DC constituents to advocate for a fair budget
—one that is restorative and prioritizes racial justice


The Fair Budget Coalition (FBC) advocates for budget and public policy initiatives that address systemic social, racial and economic inequality in the District of Columbia. We work to accomplish these goals by leveraging the collective power of our Coalition Member organizations and impacted community members, particularly those from Black and other communities of color.


We believe in a just and inclusive District of Columbia—a place that supports strong and stable communities, that allows low-income Black and non-Black communities of color to live in dignity, and that makes it possible for all residents to achieve economic security.

Programming Scope

FBC’s programmatic work falls into four areas:

To develop our budget and policy goals, we bring together professional advocates, service providers and community members who will most feel the brunt of cuts to social services. From October through June, our work centers on ensuring that the District’s budget for the upcoming year meets the critical human needs of its most vulnerable residents.

During the budget season and throughout the remainder of the year, FBC works to expand the capacity of its Member organizations to engage in advocacy. This includes providing training for service providers’ staff and their client communities to engage in effective advocacy.

FBC aids service providers in moving toward advocacy driven by those most affected. To this end, our Constituent Engagement Program includes bi-monthly meetings for knowledge sharing and skill building between Members.  Our Constituent Leadership Program is a 10-month deep dive to help Members’ constituents become engaged in the budget process, advocacy, organizations and policy crafting. 

FBC hosts monthly meetings in which Members strategize about the budget, share updates and learn about opportunities to promote our shared agenda. We also serve as a clearinghouse of information about campaigns, events, workshops and training opportunities, and share District news through our bi-weekly newsletter.


Since its founding in 1994, the Fair Budget Coalition has brought together human service and legal services providers, community members directly impacted by poverty, advocates, faith organizations and concerned District residents to advocate for a District budget and public policies that address human needs. We were born out of the value that human needs must be addressed in a strategic and comprehensive way.

Standing together representing a variety of interests and perspectives, the Coalition brings this message and the voices of our neighbors in need into the local decision-making processes.

Since 2003, FBC has won more than $650 million dollars in budget funding for programs and services in the District through restorations, increases in funding and future commitments. In addition, we have helped hundreds of District residents share their stories with elected officials through public testimonymeetings and public actions.

FBC has grown to represent more than 60 organizations plus dozens of concerned citizens and people impacted by poverty who come together to engage in advocacy and organizing around social and economic justice in the District of Columbia.

Plan to attend our People's Budget Forum September 14th from 1-4pm